Sunday, August 1, 2010

Food, Glorious Food!

Yesterday (Saturday) was an extremely long day. I woke up, and it was raining. This is atypical. If it is raining in the morning, you know the weather will be terrible all day. So, that was not exactly a good thing to wake up to. When I got to rehearsal at 10, we began running some scenes that were absolute messes the night before, and we got a lot of work done on them which was nice. Unfortunately, not all of that hard work would translate perfectly for our run later in the day. I also discovered that I was not the only one to be disgruntled by the rain. The Cañitas kids (Darío, José Daniel, and Maricel) had some issues as well. When they tried to leave for rehearsal, their car got stuck in the mud. So they called a cab, which also got stuck! The rain the first few weeks here was nice, but now I´m starting to understand why Ticos hate the rainy season so much...

At about 2 we began our run through and finished at around 4:30. This is very good news - our runs are starting to take less time! However, some of the scenes are still very slow, made worse by the fact that we´re still calling for lines in a few scenes. We are also going to work on making the comedy more over the top and the drama more sincere. There should be lots of character and scene work going on Monday before we begin our run. We´ll see how much success we have in retaining the work we put into it.

After rehearsal everyone headed over to Lisa´s temporary home for dinner before Improv Night. Katherine and I (mostly me, but the help was definitely appreciated) made dinner for about twenty kids. We through together spaghetti and garlic bread in shifts because we didn´t have any pots big enough to handle the massive amounts of food we made. Of course, this incited the belting of "Food, Glorious Food!" over and over and over again. For once during this entire process they actually sang as loudly as we wanted them to. Unfortunately, they were not on a stage and were not in a space with acoustics intended for very loud singing. My head hurt by the time we left.

After dinner it was off to Improv Night! Another successful one! However, we had many more people than we have in the past and many more young ones who aren´t exactly as willing to do random things as some of my older kids. Still, it was a fun evening. Katherine and I are now completely worn out. The more I think of it, I am extremely sad to be leaving in eight days, but I think I will enjoy the time to rest my body and mind.

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