Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Cañitas Adventure

My second entry in one day! I think I´m getting the hang of this thing.

Today was a much more full day than I had initially expected. At around 10, I went by Katherine´s house so we could walk down to the house where Lisa and Michelle are staying to have our staff meeting. We had our meeting, ate lunch, hung out a little bit, and enjoyed being away from the center of town. Lisa and Michelle are staying in Beth, a music teacher´s, house which is out in the absolute middle of nowhere. If I thought Cemeterio (the part of town I´m staying in) was rural, I had no idea what I was talking about. At around 2, Katherine and I had planned to meet Darío at Tina´s house, the house that Laila has been staying in. Laila, however, went to San José for the weekend, so we went over to the house so that Katherine and Darío could play Tina´s cello. Yeah, I have no idea. We also looked through music books to get ideas for the Cabaret Darío is planning with Hannah together. That was super fun. I love hanging out with theatre people who get super excited over every song they love.

While those two played with the cello, I made Katherine lunch. It was really fun to cook, but I don´t like unfamiliar kitchens. And this house was even more secluded than Beth´s house (we had to walk a barely beaten path through the woods to get there), so it didn´t exactly have the best appliances. But nonetheless, I enjoyed myself and Katherine enjoyed her pasta. After all that, the three of us wound up just sitting around the kitchen table talking about life and theatre and Costa Rica and what this experience means to all of us. It´s really fun because all three of us come from very different backgrounds and have had very different experiences, yet we all feel the same way about theatre and have similar views on what art can do for people and a community like Monteverde. It was a really nice conversation that I´m glad we got to have together. However, it started getting dark and raining, so it was time to leave.

We walked through the woods again to Darío´s family farm where his grandfather (Don Juan Castro) and grandmother live. They were adorable! They were both incredibly sweet and welcoming, and they have a really cute little dog named Taquito. We´re very good friends now. Over time some of his other relatives meandered over to the house, so we got to meet a few aunts as well.

Now it´s back home for dinner with the family and preparations for a very exciting day with Darío and Katherine tomorrow!

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