Saturday, July 17, 2010

Patience Wearing Thin

I forgot one thing from my last post - when dogs wander in and out of rehearsals daily.

The last couple of rehearsals have just been ridiculous. So many of the kids are starting to get attitudes and are getting comfortable with us and therefore think they can sass us and argue with us when we´re just trying to do our jobs. It´s getting rather frustrating. However, we are officially done with the Salón Parroquial which means I don´t have to deal with snarky clergy folk any longer! We have moved rehearsals into the actual space, which is both exciting and infuriating. It´s great to actually feel like we´re in a theater and doing a show, but the space is absolutely terrible. I mean, it´s nice for a concert amphitheatre, but very difficult to adapt for a musical. There are no wings, and the space is very small. The whole thing is domed so we can´t use all the space because the ceiling is so low at the back. It´s very frustrating, but it has great acoustics! Oh, and there´s no pit.

Last night we went out again to the same place we went last weekend. It was so much fun! We ended up going with Katherine´s host sister and three of her friends from the States who are also staying in their house. Plus, we ran into Laila and her random friends that she manages to meet in the most unexpected places, so it was fun to hang out with her outside of rehearsal and work! But apparently Katherine and I cannot escape the curse of running into our students at bars! Kaz, who is 14, was there! It was a ridiculous evening, but very fun.

Today was a very long day. It was our first rehearsal in the theater, and things just weren´t exactly going as planned, so it was a little frustrating for all who were involved. But tomorrow Laila, Katherine, and I are heading to Puntarenas to go to the beach! It shall be a whole bunch of fun and a very nice adventure!

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