Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Costa Rican Witch Project

Wednesday was a pretty normal day. Nothing particularly exciting happened during the kids' program or rehearsal with the senior cast. It was exhausting as usual and the kids drove us nuts while we got very excited about the main cast. Nothing out of the ordinary.

The fun came that night. We have movie nights with the cast and whoever else wants to come really every Wednesday night during rehearsals for the show. However, because of some mix-ups with planning, we ended up having movie night at the house that Lisa and Michelle are staying at, which is about a 30 minute walk down a very steep hill on the side of a mountain from where I am currently living. Not to mention that it's Santa Elena so all the roads are dirt and because of all the rain that dirt is actually mud. So at around 6 I met up with Katherine, Michelle, Laila, and Andrey (the guy playing our villain, Bill Sikes) to walk down to the house. That went pretty well. We got kind of muddy and wet from the rain, but overall we had a good time.

When we got to the house there were already a lot of people there (we were late) and there was food and general merriment to be had all around. We watched "Little Shop of Horrors" which many people enjoyed. However, if you ask me, Ellen Greene looks and sounds like a goat and the movie ending sucks in comparison to the musical ending. Just sayin'.

When the movie was over and we were all getting ready to leave it was about 9 PM, and because we were out in a very, very rural area, it was pretty much pitch black. All of the younger kids managed to pile into a car, but Katherine, Andrey, and three other girls, Felicia, Denise, and Jessica, decided to walk. We had a flashlight, albeit not a very good one, and we had each other, but it was quite a spooky experience. Andrey kept trying to tell us all these scary stories and legends about the woods around Santa Elena to scare us, but he was outnumbered gender-wise and eventually gave it up. I really wish I had a video of the six of us freaking out at every little sound or movement in the trees. And to make matters worse, I saw a frog walking down to the house, so I was terrified that I would see another one, for which Andrey gave me a lot of grief. It took us about 40 minutes to make it back to the neighborhood where Katherine, Andrey, and I all live, and by the time I got back, my legs were absolutely covered in mud, as were my flip flops, and I was drenched from the rain and the fog (I'm pretty sure we were in a cloud for some of the walk).

Now it's off to an even scarier adventure--day 4 of the children's program.

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