Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Real Update on Life...

So, nothing much has happened in the past day. We got completely soaked and flooded in the storm yesterday - probably the worst one I´ve seen here! But this post is not going to have a whole lot to do with Santa Elena or FCCMT.

I think my blog has opened up a new Pandora´s box of technology for my parents and relatives. Skype was one thing, but blogging is a whole new adventure for them. Not only are they following my blog, but they´ve also discovered Zeke´s and Zeb´s for their respective adventures in Germany and Bhutan. But in following Zeke´s blog, they found Liza Starr´s blog (a friend of Zeke´s who I don´t even know). She is on a biking trip across the U.S., so of course they are following her, too! Not to mention they have sent all of our links to at least one (probably more) of my aunts who is now following all this, too. I feel like I need to make my blog more entertaining now that I know so many people are reading it! But I was skyping with my mother this morning, and we discussed all this. She enjoys hearing our takes on all these exotic places and unique experiences we´re all having. And hey, this way I don´t have to send a thousand e-mails every week!

So, keep reading to find out what´s up with me and if you want the links to any of the other blogs I´ve mentioned let me know - I enjoy reading them!

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